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This Legislative Decree sets out minimum standards for the protection of pigs confined for rearing and fattening. These standards include detailed provisions on the conditions to be fulfilled by installations where pigs are kept. The Decree lays down specific provisions for various categories of pigs, namely boars, sows and gilts, piglets, weaners and rearing pigs and establishes rules concerning inspection and offences.
This Legislative Decree sets out minimum standards for the protection of pigs confined for rearing and fattening. These standards include detailed provisions on the conditions to be fulfilled by installations where pigs are kept. The Decree lays down specific provisions for various categories of pigs, namely boars, sows and gilts, piglets, weaners and rearing pigs and establishes rules concerning inspection and offences.
Legislative Decree No. 122 implementing Directive 2008/120/EC laying down minimum standards for the protection of pigs.
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