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By way of implementation of Directive 2003/105/EC, the present Legislative Decree lays down certain amendments to Legislative Decree No. 334 of 1999 concerning the prevention of major accidents hazards involving particular dangerous substances. The amendments and addenda regard notifications to be sent by operators, major accident prevention policy and domino effect.
By way of implementation of Directive 2003/105/EC, the present Legislative Decree lays down certain amendments to Legislative Decree No. 334 of 1999 concerning the prevention of major accidents hazards involving particular dangerous substances. The amendments and addenda regard notifications to be sent by operators, major accident prevention policy and domino effect.
Legislative Decree No. 238 implementing Directive 2003/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances.
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