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This Decree applies to animal feed meant for specific nutritional purposes and establishes a list of their uses and of the methods for the calculation of their energetic value. It does not apply to: (a) compound feedstuffs; (b) additives used in feedingstuffs; (c) undesirable substances and products used in feedingstuffs. It makes provisions for the labelling and packaging of the feedstuffs, specifying the information to be provided in the labels as regards the composition, the nutritional value, the expiry date and any other additional information according to the provisions of Annex I.
This Decree applies to animal feed meant for specific nutritional purposes and establishes a list of their uses and of the methods for the calculation of their energetic value. It does not apply to: (a) compound feedstuffs; (b) additives used in feedingstuffs; (c) undesirable substances and products used in feedingstuffs. It makes provisions for the labelling and packaging of the feedstuffs, specifying the information to be provided in the labels as regards the composition, the nutritional value
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Legislative Decree No. 45 implementing EEC Directives 93/74/CEE, 94/39/CE, 95/9/CE and 95/10/CE on animal feed for dietary purposes.
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