For the purpose of ensuring the protection of veal, the Decree establishes temporary minimum requisites that the breeding must satisfy for a period of at least four years starting from 1 January 1994. The surveillance on the proper implementation of the Decree is entrusted to the Ministry of Health, which shall submit to the Commission of the European Community a biannual report on the results of the inspections. The import of animals from third countries is subject to the issuance of a sanitary certificate by the competent authority of the country of origin. Final provisions concern the penalties to be applied in case of contravention.
For the purpose of ensuring the protection of veal, the Decree establishes temporary minimum requisites that the breeding must satisfy for a period of at least four years starting from 1 January 1994. The surveillance on the proper implementation of the Decree is entrusted to the Ministry of Health, which shall submit to the Commission of the European Community a biannual report on the results of the inspections. The import of animals from third countries is subject to the issuance of a sanitary
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Legislative Decree No. 533 implementing Directive No. 91/629/CEE on veal protection.
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