The Law aims at harmonizing the Cypriot legislative framework with Directive 2008/56/EC, therefore is issued with the intention of establishing the necessary measures to achieve or maintain good environmental status in the marine environment of the Republic by the year 2020 at the latest. The provisions of the law shall apply to all marine waters of the Cypriot Republic and shall take account of the transboundary effects on the quality of the marine environment of third States in the same marine region or subregion. The Cypriot Republic shall develop a marine strategy for its marine waters in accordance with the plan of action set out in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 2 to article 7 to this law. The law consists of 20 articles as follows: Short title (art. 1); Definitions (art. 2); Scope (art. 3); Filed of application (art. 4); Duties of competent authority (art. 5); Marine regions or subregions (art. 6); Marine strategy (art. 7); Regional cooperation (art. 8); Assessment (art. 9); Determination of good environmental status (art. 10); Establishment of environmental targets (art. 11); Monitoring programme (art. 12); Programmes of measures (art. 13); Exceptions (art. 14); Recommendations for Community action (art. 15); Technical adaptations and updates (art. 16); Public consultation and information (art. 17); Issuance of Regulations (art. 18); Issuance of Orders (art. 19); Delegation of powers (art. 20). Six Annexes are attached to the text of the present Law.
The Law aims at harmonizing the Cypriot legislative framework with Directive 2008/56/EC, therefore is issued with the intention of establishing the necessary measures to achieve or maintain good environmental status in the marine environment of the Republic by the year 2020 at the latest. The provisions of the law shall apply to all marine waters of the Cypriot Republic and shall take account of the transboundary effects on the quality of the marine environment of third States in the same marine
Marine Strategy Law, 2011 (Law No. 18( )/2011).
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