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These Measures are formulated in order to regulate the administration of emergency response plans. The Text consists of 34 articles divided into 9 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Classification and Content (II); Preparation of Emergency Response Plans (III); Approval, Filling and Publication(IV); Emergency Drills (V); Evaluation and Revision (VI); Training, Public Awareness and Education(VII); Institutional Safeguards (VIII);Supplementary Provisions (IX).
Emergency response plans of governments or departments thereof shall include the overall emergency response plans, special-purpose emergency response plans, departmental emergency response plans and other emergency response plans. Overall emergency plan shall provide for the basic principles, organizational system, operational mechanism, and the overall arrangement of emergency support, and indicate clearly the responsibilities and tasks of the parties concerned. Special-purpose or departmental emergency response plans for protection of important infrastructures, lifeline engineering and other important targets shall give priority to clarification of the hidden risks, prevention measures, monitoring and early warning, information reporting, emergency response, emergency restoration and other contents. Preparation of emergency response plans shall be carried out on the basis of risk assessment and emergency resource investigation.
These Measures are formulated in order to regulate the administration of emergency response plans. The Text consists of 34 articles divided into 9 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Classification and Content (II); Preparation of Emergency Response Plans (III); Approval, Filling and Publication(IV); Emergency Drills (V); Evaluation and Revision (VI); Training, Public Awareness and Education(VII); Institutional Safeguards (VIII);Supplementary Provisions (IX).
Measures for the Administration of Emergency Response Plans.
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