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The Measures specify four situations subject to continuous daily fines if the polluter does not stop the discharge of pollutants: (i) discharge of pollutants exceeding national/ local pollutant discharge standard, or the key total pollutant discharging amount; (ii) discharge of pollutants in ways intended to escape supervision, such as through underground pipelines, a seepage well, or seepage pit, falsifying monitoring data, and improper operation of a pollution prevention facility; (iii) discharge of prohibited pollutants; and (iv) illegal dumping of hazardous waste. The Daily Penalty Measures also provide guidelines on how the fines are to be calculated and the procedure for imposing the daily penalty.
The Measures specify four situations subject to continuous daily fines if the polluter does not stop the discharge of pollutants: (i) discharge of pollutants exceeding national/ local pollutant discharge standard, or the key total pollutant discharging amount; (ii) discharge of pollutants in ways intended to escape supervision, such as through underground pipelines, a seepage well, or seepage pit, falsifying monitoring data, and improper operation of a pollution prevention facility; (iii) discha
Measures for Continuous Penalty on a Daily Basis.
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