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The purpose of these Measures is for implementing the Water Law of the People's Republic of China in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.
The Measures are divided into eight Chapters dealing with: general matters; development and utilization; protection of water and water bodies; allocation of water resources and water conservation; water dispute handling and supervision and inspection of law enforcement; legal liabilities; and supplementary provisions.
"Water resources" refers to surface water and groundwater, excluding sea water. Water resources belong to the State. The ownership and the use right of water resources may be separated according to law. The regional water authority shall organize to develop comprehensive planning of the autonomous region's water resources; and the comprehensive river basin planning of the main stream of the Yellow River in the autonomous region shall be developed by the Autonomous Region People's Government according to the law and shall be reported to the State Council for approval.
The units and individuals directly drawing water resources from rivers, lakes or underground shall apply for water permits, obtain water use rights, and pay the water resource charges.
The purpose of these Measures is for implementing the Water Law of the People's Republic of China in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.
Measures of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region for implementing the Water Law of the People's Republic of China (2008).
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