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The purpose of these Measures is to provide for rational development, utilization and protection of water resources, prevention and control of water disasters, fully deriving the comprehensive benefits of water resources in Shanghai Municipality. The text consists of 49 Articles divided into 6 Chapters: General provisions; Development and utilization of water resources; Protection of water, water bodies and water projects; Flood prevention and flood fighting; Legal liabilities; and Supplementary provisions.
Water resources mentioned in these Measures refer to ground water and surface water (art. 2). Water resources are owned by the State, but water in ponds and reservoirs possessed by agricultural economic organizations are owned collectively. The water conservancy authorities at or above county (district) level shall be responsible for the unified administration of water resources and the implementation of these Measures.
The development and utilization of water resources and the prevention and control of water disasters shall be based on the comprehensive scientific water resource survey, investigation and assessment, and unified planning shall be made on the basis of river basins or regions. The Municipality shall put into practice a license system for drawing water directly from rivers and lakes and water resource fee shall be collected. Exploiting groundwater shall be strictly controlled to prevent the ground subsidence. The quality of recharge groundwater water shall comply with the standards for drinking water. No unit or individual shall, while channeling, storing or discharging water, infringe upon public interests or the lawful rights and interests of other people.
In addition, the Measures provide for: the principles for dispute settlement; delineation of conservation and management scope of rivers, lakes and various water projects; prohibition of seizing, destroying, stealing and damaging water project facilities, hydrologic monitoring facilities and flood prevention facilities; offences and penalties, etc.
The purpose of these Measures is to provide for rational development, utilization and protection of water resources, prevention and control of water disasters, fully deriving the comprehensive benefits of water resources in Shanghai Municipality. The text consists of 49 Articles divided into 6 Chapters: General provisions; Development and utilization of water resources; Protection of water, water bodies and water projects; Flood prevention and flood fighting; Legal liabilities; and Supplementary
Measures of Shanghai Municipality for implementing the Water Law of People's Republic of China.
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