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The purpose of these Measures is to provide for the rational development, utilization and protection of water resources, as well as the prevention and control of water hazards, so as to meet the needs of national economic development and people's welfare.
The Measures are divided into seven Chapters dealing with: general matters; development and utilization; protection of water, water bodies and water projects; administration of water use; flood prevention and flood fighting; legal liabilities; and supplementary provisions.
"Water resources" refers to surface water and groundwater, excluding sea water. Water resources are owned by the State, but water in ponds and reservoirs possessed by agricultural economic organizations are owned collectively.
The purpose of these Measures is to provide for the rational development, utilization and protection of water resources, as well as the prevention and control of water hazards, so as to meet the needs of national economic development and people's welfare.
Measures of Tibet Autonomous Region for implementing the Water Law of the People's Republic of China.
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