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The present Circular specifies the following aspects which are fundamental for the proper implementation of Legislative Decree No. 116 of 1992: (a) sphere of application; (b) conditions to which experiments on animals are subject; (c) procedure for the authorization to be granted by the Ministry of Health; (d) information to be provided in the notice to the competent authorities; (e) veterinary checks on the health conditions of the animals; (f) registration of the animals; (g) content of the annual report to be submitted to the Ministry of Health relevant to the utilization of animals for experimental purposes; (h) checks and inspections by the Ministry of Health.
The present Circular specifies the following aspects which are fundamental for the proper implementation of Legislative Decree No. 116 of 1992: (a) sphere of application; (b) conditions to which experiments on animals are subject; (c) procedure for the authorization to be granted by the Ministry of Health; (d) information to be provided in the notice to the competent authorities; (e) veterinary checks on the health conditions of the animals; (f) registration of the animals; (g) content of the an
Ministerial Circular No. 8 on the implementation of Legislative Decree No. 116 on the protection of animals to be utilized for experimental or other scientific purposes.
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