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In implementation of Directives 2003/21/EC and 2003/22/EC, this Decree lays down particular amendments to Annexes I, II, III, IV, V and VI to Ministerial Decree of 31 January 1996 as regards the harmful organisms, plants and plant products which may not be introduced into the national territory.
In implementation of Directives 2003/21/EC and 2003/22/EC, this Decree lays down particular amendments to Annexes I, II, III, IV, V and VI to Ministerial Decree of 31 January 1996 as regards the harmful organisms, plants and plant products which may not be introduced into the national territory.
Ministerial Decree amending the Annexes to Ministerial Decree of 31 January 1996 establishing measures against the introduction into the territory of the Republic of Italy of organisms harmful to plants or plant products: implementation of Commission Directives 2003/21/EC and 2003/22/EC of 24 March 2003 amending certain Annexes to Council Directive 2000/29/EC.
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