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This Ministerial Decree regulates the monitoring system intended to ensure that the labelling and packaging requirements laid down in Chapter 3 of Regulation (EC) No. 2001/2031 are met by fishery and aquaculture products. Articles 1 and 2 lay down the information to be provided in the label (among others, the name of the commercial designation, the processing methods, the catch area). Article 4 sets out the penalties to be applied in case of violation of the present Decree, as per Legislative Decree No. 109 of 27 January 1992.
This Ministerial Decree regulates the monitoring system intended to ensure that the labelling and packaging requirements laid down in Chapter 3 of Regulation (EC) No. 2001/2031 are met by fishery and aquaculture products. Articles 1 and 2 lay down the information to be provided in the label (among others, the name of the commercial designation, the processing methods, the catch area). Article 4 sets out the penalties to be applied in case of violation of the present Decree, as per Legislative De
Ministerial Decree concerning the labelling of fishery and aquaculture products as well as control systems.
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