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The Decree consists of two articles and two annexes and concerns the general hygienic conditions to be observed by the establishments for the production of milk, of all the equipment employed for the milking and treatment of milk and all the hygienic requirements to be observed during the milking operations. The raw milk destined to the production of thermically treated milk for intracommunity exchanges is subject to the control of the freezing point as per Chapter VI, letter D of EC Directive No. 397/85/EEC of 5 August 1985. The control has to be carried out according to the modalities established by Annex II of the present Decree.
The Decree consists of two articles and two annexes and concerns the general hygienic conditions to be observed by the establishments for the production of milk, of all the equipment employed for the milking and treatment of milk and all the hygienic requirements to be observed during the milking operations. The raw milk destined to the production of thermically treated milk for intracommunity exchanges is subject to the control of the freezing point as per Chapter VI, letter D of EC Directive N
Ministerial Decree No. 222 containing the regulation for the entry into force of EEC Directive No. 89/362/EEC of 29 May 1989 concerning sanitary conditions to be followed by firms producing raw milk to be thermally treated for trade within the EEC and of EEC Council Directive No. 89/384/EEC of 20 June 1989 relative to modalities for the control of the freezing point for milk as provided for by Annex A of Directive No. 85/397/EEC of 5 August 1985.
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