The Decree provides for the implementation of Commission Directive 2008/60/EC laying down specific purity criteria concerning sweeteners for use in foodstuffs. The Annex to article 69 of the Food Code, which sets out the purity criteria applicable to a number of sweeteners, is hereby replaced, according to the provisions of the Directive. All previously issued provisions related to purity criteria concerning sweeteners shall be abrogated.
The Decree provides for the implementation of Commission Directive 2008/60/EC laying down specific purity criteria concerning sweeteners for use in foodstuffs. The Annex to article 69 of the Food Code, which sets out the purity criteria applicable to a number of sweeteners, is hereby replaced, according to the provisions of the Directive. All previously issued provisions related to purity criteria concerning sweeteners shall be abrogated.
Ministerial Decree No. 256/2009 replacing the Annex to article 69 of the Food Code, as regards specific criteria of purity concerning sweeteners for use in foodstuffs, in compliance with Commission Directive 2008/60/EC.
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