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This decision aims at a) the application of provisions of article 10 in combination with the provisions of articles 4 and 6 of law No. 1650/86 and b) the conformity with the provisions of article of 7 of Council Directive 76/464/EEC, so as by setting emission limit values of certain dangerous substances contained in discharges, the public health and the environment are effectively protected. The Decision covers discharges to inland surface waters and inland coastal waters.
This decision aims at a) the application of provisions of article 10 in combination with the provisions of articles 4 and 6 of law No. 1650/86 and b) the conformity with the provisions of article of 7 of Council Directive 76/464/EEC, so as by setting emission limit values of certain dangerous substances contained in discharges, the public health and the environment are effectively protected. The Decision covers discharges to inland surface waters and inland coastal waters.
Ministerial Joint Decision No. 4859/726 on measures for the protection of the aquatic environment by discharges and setting emission limit values of certain dangerous substances falling under List II of Commission Directive 76/464/E C.
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