The Decree approves the Supreme Chemistry Council s Decision by which the Food Code is integrated with the insertion of article 64 relating to certain sugars intended for human consumption, in accordance with Council Directive 2001/111/EC. The article lays down standards applicable to certain sugars. The provisions of this article shall apply to the products defined in Part A of the Annex. The article shall not apply to such products if they take the form of icing sugars, candy sugars or sugars in loaf form. Placing on the market of products not complying with the provisions of this Decree, shall be prohibited as from 12 July 2003. However, sales of products not complying with the provisions of this Decree but have been labelled before July 2004 and in accordance with Presidential Order No. 513/83 may continue until the supply lasts.
The Decree approves the Supreme Chemistry Council’s Decision by which the Food Code is integrated with the insertion of article 64 relating to certain sugars intended for human consumption, in accordance with Council Directive 2001/111/EC. The article lays down standards applicable to certain sugars. The provisions of this article shall apply to the products defined in Part A of the Annex. The article shall not apply to such products if they take the form of icing sugars, candy sugars or sugars
Ministerial Joint Decree No. 64/2002 adding article 64 to the Food Code in compliance with Council Directive 2001/111/EC.
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