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This Ministerial Order, consisting of 31 articles divided into five Chapters, establishes and regulates the functional structure of the General Directorate for Forests, Coffee and Industrial Plants (DGFCPI) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP). The DGFCPI is a service that integrates the direct State administration under the MAP, responsible for ensuring the overall orientation and integrated coordination of all MAP services with responsibilities in the areas of forests, nature conservation, coffee and industrial plants, according to the Government's programme, policies and programmes of the MAP. It establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned Directorate, entitled to: Collaborate in the definition of policies, programs and plans relevant to the area of forests, nature conservation, coffee, industrial plants and biodiversity, namely in the definition of an integrated soil and subsoil management plan and in the definition and implementation of a conservation strategy of biodiversity; Coordinate the implementation, coordination and monitoring of the implementation of policies, plans, programs and strategies in the field of forests, nature conservation, coffee and industrial plants; Contribute to the development of environmental standards, in particular with regard to forests, river basins, soils and subsoils; Ensure the conservation of the country's biological diversity, in coordination with other services, and sustainable management of forests and their resources, coffee plant and other industrial plants; Promote the mainstreaming and integration of environmental policy in the forest sector, nature conservation, biodiversity, coffee and industrial plants; Coordinate the development and implementation of mechanisms to combat deforestation and forest degradation involving communities; Collaborate in the definition of an integrated soil and subsoil management plan, as well as in the definition and implementation of a biodiversity conservation and recovery strategy; etc.
This Ministerial Order is divides as follows: Functional structure (Chap. II); Direction, Chiefs and Human Resources (Chap. III); Management tools (Chap. IV); Final and transitional provisions (Chap. V).
This Ministerial Order, consisting of 31 articles divided into five Chapters, establishes and regulates the functional structure of the General Directorate for Forests, Coffee and Industrial Plants (DGFCPI) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP). The DGFCPI is a service that integrates the direct State administration under the MAP, responsible for ensuring the overall orientation and integrated coordination of all MAP services with responsibilities in the areas of forests, nature con
This Ministerial Order repeals Ministerial Order No. 9/GM/V/2014.
Ministerial Order No. 10/2016 establishing and regulating the functional structure of the General Directorate for Forests, Coffee and Industrial Plants (DGFCPI) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP).
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