This Ministerial Order, consisting of 4 articles and one Annex, establishes the new application form for the issuance of mineral medium and large-scale mining licence. Annex approves the new application form for the issuance of Average and Large-Scale Mineral Extraction Licence, as mentioned in article 10 of the Ministerial Order No. 1/2008, as amended, as well as in the Annex I to this Ministerial Order (which replaces the previous model form).
This Ministerial Order, consisting of 4 articles and one Annex, establishes the new application form for the issuance of mineral medium and large-scale mining licence. Annex approves the new application form for the issuance of Average and Large-Scale Mineral Extraction Licence, as mentioned in article 10 of the Ministerial Order No. 1/2008, as amended, as well as in the Annex I to this Ministerial Order (which replaces the previous model form).
Ministerial Order No. 2/2014 establishing the new application form for issuance of mineral medium and large-scale mining licensing.
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