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This Act provides for the establishment of the National Agriculture Quarantine and Inspection Authority as a body corporate, defines its functions, powers and internal organization and makes provision with respect to quarantine in general and quarantine of animals and plants in particular. The Act consists of 122 sections divided into 11 Parts.
The National Agriculture Quarantine and Inspection Authority shall carry out inspection and quarantine of plants, animals (including fish) and any products derived from animals, fish and plants, to prevent pests or diseases from entering in or going out of Papua New Guinea. The Authority shall also advise the Ministry and the National Government on quarantine policy and carry out other functions assigned to it by this Act or Regulations made under this Act. The Act assigns powers to the Minister in relation to the prevention and control of pests and diseases affecting animals and plants and in particular in relation to epidemics and other emergencies. The Managing Director of the Authority may, by Notice in the National Gazette, prohibit or restrict the introduction into the country of any substance (potentially) containing or carrying a disease or pest. The Act further defines procedures of quarantine and prescribes offences.
This Act provides for the establishment of the National Agriculture Quarantine and Inspection Authority as a body corporate, defines its functions, powers and internal organization and makes provision with respect to quarantine in general and quarantine of animals and plants in particular. The Act consists of 122 sections divided into 11 Parts.
Consolidated version of 2006 of Act No. 6 of 1997 as amended last by Act No. 97 of 2006.
National Agriculture Quarantine and Inspection Authority Act 1997.
Papua New Guinea
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