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This Act makes provision for the reservation of land as protected areas and for the appointment of the Director of National Parks, defines powers and functions of the Director and grants regulation-making powers to the Head of State.
The Head of State may commit to the care, control and management of the Director an area that has been reserved or is deemed to be reserved under section 49 of the Land Act 1996 for the purposes of: (a) the recreation and amusement of the public; (b) a national park; (c) a botanical or zoological garden; (d) a reserve or sanctuary for the protection of flora or fauna, or for related purposes. The Minister may grant a lease of an area committed to the care, control and management of the Director in accordance with provisions of this Act. The Minister may also, on behalf of the State, accept a gift, devise or bequest of property to be used as a reserve, but if the property is deemed unsuitable or not required for the purpose of this Act, the Minister may sell or grant a lease on the property. One of the functions of the Director is to issue permits, as prescribed, for fishing or other activities in reserved areas.
This Act makes provision for the reservation of land as protected areas and for the appointment of the Director of National Parks, defines powers and functions of the Director and grants regulation-making powers to the Head of State.
Consolidated version of 2006 of the Act as amended last by Act No. 33 of 1989.
National Parks Act 1982.
Papua New Guinea
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