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The present Ordinance implements the Law on navigation on public waters of 21 June 1965. Article 1 specifies that unless the Ordinance establishes otherwise, the Traffic and Navigation Office is responsible for navigation matters in the Canton St. Gallen. The text consists of 29 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: Traffic and Navigation Office (I); Ships and ship command (II); Traffic arrangements (III); Storm warning und rescue at seas (IV); Port facilities (V); Various provisions (VI); Final provisions (VII).
The present Ordinance implements the Law on navigation on public waters of 21 June 1965. Article 1 specifies that unless the Ordinance establishes otherwise, the Traffic and Navigation Office is responsible for navigation matters in the Canton St. Gallen. The text consists of 29 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: Traffic and Navigation Office (I); Ships and ship command (II); Traffic arrangements (III); Storm warning und rescue at seas (IV); Port facilities (V); Various provisions (VI); F
The present Ordinance is updated as of 30 October 2007.
Navigation Ordinance.
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