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This Order, made under section 14 of the Animal Health Ordinance, 1996, amends the Ordinance in Schedule 1 by updating the list of animal diseases which must be notified to the Department Commerce and Employment if it occurs or is suspected in an animal. The revised list reflects the list of diseases currently published by the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) as significant in terms of animal health or important in terms of economic impact.
This Order, made under section 14 of the Animal Health Ordinance, 1996, amends the Ordinance in Schedule 1 by updating the list of animal diseases which must be notified to the Department Commerce and Employment if it occurs or is suspected in an animal. The revised list reflects the list of diseases currently published by the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) as significant in terms of animal health or important in terms of economic impact.
Notifiable Animal Diseases Order, 2013 (G.S.I. No. 59 of 2013).
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