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This Notification sets forth the methods and procedures of sampling and analysis for the official control of the temperatures of quick-frozen foods intended for human consumption.The Notification consists 8 articles and 2 annex clauses. The Notification is drafted in accordance with the Commission Directive 92/2/EEC laying down the sampling procedure and the Community method of analysis for the official control of the temperatures of quick-frozen foods intended for human consumption.
This Notification sets forth the methods and procedures of sampling and analysis for the official control of the temperatures of quick-frozen foods intended for human consumption.The Notification consists 8 articles and 2 annex clauses. The Notification is drafted in accordance with the Commission Directive 92/2/EEC laying down the sampling procedure and the Community method of analysis for the official control of the temperatures of quick-frozen foods intended for human consumption.
The provisions of this Notification are governed by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
Notification on methods and procedures of sampling and analysis for the official control of the temperatures of quick-frozen foods.
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