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This Notification sets forth the rules and procedures of and determine the standards for, hygienic and technically appropriate production, processing, conservation, transport, storage and marketing of processed cereal-based and non cereal-based foods for infants and young children. It also covers provisions on the rules and procedures of packaging, labelling, marking, sampling and analysis. The Notification consists 19 articles and 9 annex clauses. This Notification is drafted in accordance with the European Commission Directive 2006/125/EC on processed cereal-based foods and baby foods for infants and young children.
This Notification sets forth the rules and procedures of and determine the standards for, hygienic and technically appropriate production, processing, conservation, transport, storage and marketing of processed cereal-based and non cereal-based foods for infants and young children. It also covers provisions on the rules and procedures of packaging, labelling, marking, sampling and analysis. The Notification consists 19 articles and 9 annex clauses. This Notification is drafted in accordance with
The provisions of this Notification are governwed by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. The Notification has been amaneded on 2009 by notification No. 2009/11. The 2009 amendments can be found in the full text.
Notification No. 2007/50 on baby foods for infants and young children.
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