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The purpose of this Order is to ensure financial grants for investments to increase aquaculture production and to promote an environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient and competitive aquaculture sector in accordance with the Aquaculture Strategy. Among these activities: diversification of aquaculture production and species, modernization of work methods, improvement of animal health, welfare etc. through purchase of fishing equipment, investment in quality of aquaculture production, re-establishment of existing aquaculture, water bodies etc. Submission of subsidy requests may occur after 4 February 2015 and must be received by the Danish AgriFish Agency within 1 April. Ceiling for required subsidy may be of minimum DKK 300 000 of the project costs.
The Order consists of 13 Chapters: Contents and application (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Eligibility for subsidy (4); Eligible subsidy costs (5); Calculation of subsidy (6); Changing the project and the its implementation (7); Disboursement of subsidy (8); Duty of notification (9); Loss and recovery of subsidy repayments and decrease of subsidy (10); Force majeur (11); Appeals (12); Entry into force (13).
The purpose of this Order is to ensure financial grants for investments to increase aquaculture production and to promote an environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient and competitive aquaculture sector in accordance with the Aquaculture Strategy. Among these activities: diversification of aquaculture production and species, modernization of work methods, improvement of animal health, welfare etc. through purchase of fishing equipment, investment in quality of aquaculture production, re-est
Order no. 105 on subsidy for investment in aquaculture.
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