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The Order sets regulations on granting financial subsidy to commercial entities' in order to strengthen their use of innovative solutions in the processing and marketing of fish, fishery products and aquaculture products. The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries may grant financial support for investments in new projects, products, processes and technologies, as well as to new organizational activities, and investments in potential and economic viable plans. The grants may be awarded to companies with fewer than 250 employees and with a turnover of less than 50 million EUR, or with a yearly balance of maximum 43 million EUR. Applications for such grants may be submitted as of 17 September 2015 and received no later than 4 January 2016.
The Order consists of 12 Chapters and 1 Appendix: Objective of the and content (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Conditions for subsidy (4); Eligible costs (5); Calculation of subsidies(6); Changing of project and onset of commitment (7); Payment of subsidy (8); Duty of notification (9); Cancellation of commitments and repayment or reduction of subsidies (10); Force majeure (11); Entry into force (12).
Appendix 1 - Credits Chart.
The Order sets regulations on granting financial subsidy to commercial entities' in order to strengthen their use of innovative solutions in the processing and marketing of fish, fishery products and aquaculture products. The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries may grant financial support for investments in new projects, products, processes and technologies, as well as to new organizational activities, and investments in potential and economic viable plans. The grants may be awarded to c
Order No. 1086 on subsidy for innovative projects for the processing and marketing of fish, fishery and aquaculture products.
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