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The Order applies to commercial energy supply companies. For each distribution company a fixed income limit is set for a maximum amount the company may be compensated in a calendar year. For distribution companies which entered in Agreement of 23 June 1999 between the State, the Capital Region Natural Gas and Natural Gas Mid-North (Skt. Hans Agreement) shall only establish a single income limit under the provisions of this Order. From the regulatory period 2006-2009 DERA sets income limits for the distribution companies' operations by 30 September of the preceding four-year regulatory period. The income limit established in order to cover operating costs, depreciation and interest for efficient operation of the company shall adhere to article 37a, section 1 of the Natural Gas Supply Act.
The Order consists of 11 Chapters and 2 Appendices: General provisions (1); Calculation of income limits (2); Efficiency requirements (3); Changing the income limits (4); Correction of revenue caps (5); Cover and deficits (6); Extraordinary efficiency gains (7); Statement of regulatory opening balances (8); Accounting (9); Penalties (10); Entry into force and transitional provisions (11).
Appendix 1 Standard time expectancy.
Appendix 2 - Calculation principles of net debt in regulatory opening balances for natural gas distribution activities.
The Order applies to commercial energy supply companies. For each distribution company a fixed income limit is set for a maximum amount the company may be compensated in a calendar year. For distribution companies which entered in Agreement of 23 June 1999 between the State, the Capital Region Natural Gas and Natural Gas Mid-North (Skt. Hans Agreement) shall only establish a single income limit under the provisions of this Order. From the regulatory period 2006-2009 DERA sets income limits for t
Cases concerning financial years 2005-09 shall be handled by the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority (DERA) or the Energy Appeal Board under the provisions of Order No. 38 of 14 January 2005. Cases concerning financial years 2010-13 shall be handled by DERA or the Energy Appeal Board in adherence to Order No. 1401 of 14 December 2009.
Order No. 1117 on income limits and opening balances for natural gas distribution companies.
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