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This Order establishes animal health conditions governing the authorization for collection, processing, use, storage and trade of bull semen. Data collection and registration of the process adhere to EU regulations and particular restrictions apply to animals being treated for diseases prior to insemination process. Certification of semen shall be produced and forwarded to Food and Drug Administration authorities. Import of semen from developing countries must follow specific criteria: country to be included in EU list of developing countries, semen to be collected and processed in EU authorized sites as well as being authorized for export/transport to other countries, semen shall originate from animals having lived at least 6 months priorly in the developing country, that the product is certified in adherence to EU requirements. Export of semen to developing countries may also occur, on condition that it is has been processed in authorized sites.
Annex 1 - Conditions for the approval and operation of centers.
Annex 2 - Requirements for cattle semen.
Annex 3 - Conditions semen must meet in order to engage in EU trade.
Annex 4 - Terms for artificial insemination.
This Order establishes animal health conditions governing the authorization for collection, processing, use, storage and trade of bull semen. Data collection and registration of the process adhere to EU regulations and particular restrictions apply to animals being treated for diseases prior to insemination process. Certification of semen shall be produced and forwarded to Food and Drug Administration authorities. Import of semen from developing countries must follow specific criteria: country t
Repealing Order No. 1072 of 15 December 1994.
Order No. 1270 on bull semen and insemination of cattle.
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