This Order sets regulations on financial support to farmers for agricultural development. It applies to specific requirements on several crop categories, to the environmental focus areas and maintenance of permanent pasture. The Order also includes regulations on annual payment of financial subsidy to young farmers and farmers whose farms are fully or partly situated in natural area limits. The value of the payment entitlements is calculated on the basis of payment value in 2015 compared with the calculated average value for the 2019 (art. 3). Farmers are required to classify an environmental focus on one or more farm types fulfilling the following obligations:
1) buffer zones with a green cover of grass and other forage crops, not fertilized or treated with other soil conditioners, spraying, cultivation or other in the year of the subsidy requirement application which from 31 December 2015 appear as buffer zones in the Internet Field Map with a weighting factor of 1.5; 2) landscape elements in the form of monuments and small lakes and ponds are covered by good agricultural and environmental condition; 3) fallow areas; 4) areas with coppice; 5) Areas planted with crops (art. 30).
Areas with high carbon content or wet soil conditions in areas specifically designated in Natura2000 habitats and located within Natura2000 sites, are designated as environmentally sensitive. An agricultural parcel applying for subsidy, must form a continuous (if between parts of the area within the same block exists a buffer passage of at least four meters wide) minimum area of 0.30 hectares. Subsidy requiring agricultural land should under normal weather conditions be grown and harvested in the period from 1 June to 15 September. Buffer zones are only eligible if their whole length is related to another eligible area.
The Order consists of 10 Chapters: Scope and definitions (1); Entitlements (2); National reserve (3); General provisions (4); Green/ecoogical requirements (5); Young farmers (6); Areas with natural limits (eco-support) (7); Transfer of farms (8); Inspection (9); Penalties, entry into force and transitional provisions (10).
1) buffer zones with a green cover of grass and other forage crops, not fertilized or treated with other soil conditioners, spraying, cultivation or other in the year of the subsidy requirement application which from 31 December 2015 appear as buffer zones in the Internet Field Map with a weighting factor of 1.5; 2) landscape elements in the form of monuments and small lakes and ponds are covered by good agricultural and environmental condition; 3) fallow areas; 4) areas with coppice; 5) Areas planted with crops (art. 30).
Areas with high carbon content or wet soil conditions in areas specifically designated in Natura2000 habitats and located within Natura2000 sites, are designated as environmentally sensitive. An agricultural parcel applying for subsidy, must form a continuous (if between parts of the area within the same block exists a buffer passage of at least four meters wide) minimum area of 0.30 hectares. Subsidy requiring agricultural land should under normal weather conditions be grown and harvested in the period from 1 June to 15 September. Buffer zones are only eligible if their whole length is related to another eligible area.
The Order consists of 10 Chapters: Scope and definitions (1); Entitlements (2); National reserve (3); General provisions (4); Green/ecoogical requirements (5); Young farmers (6); Areas with natural limits (eco-support) (7); Transfer of farms (8); Inspection (9); Penalties, entry into force and transitional provisions (10).
This Order sets regulations on financial support to farmers for agricultural development. It applies to specific requirements on several crop categories, to the environmental focus areas and maintenance of permanent pasture. The Order also includes regulations on annual payment of financial subsidy to young farmers and farmers whose farms are fully or partly situated in natural area limits. The value of the payment entitlements is calculated on the basis of payment value in 2015 compared with th
The Order adheres to provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No. 352/78, (EC) No. 165/94, (EC) No. 2799/98, (EC) No. 814/2000, (EC) No. 1290/2005 and (EC) No. 485/2008.and provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing rules for direct payments to farmers under support schemes within the framework of the common agricultural policy and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No. 637/2008 and Council Regulation (EC) No. 73/2009.
Order No. 1377 on subsidy to farmers.
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