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This Order sets guidelines for the Environmental Protection Agency to administer all Danish emission inventories and projections (disaggregated national emission inventories, inventories for large point sources and informative inventory reports). These results shall be submitted to the Commission and the European Environment Agency in accordance with reporting criteria in Appendix 2. The reports shall be consistent with reporting to the LRTAP Convention Secretariat and the Agency shall prepare a policy statement report to accompany the national emission inventories and projections by notifying them with the information indicated by provisions in Appendix 3. In accordance to Appendix 3, the Agency shall adjust the annual national emission inventories for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds except methane, ammonia and fine particles, with the use of improved emission inventory methods updated in accordance with scientific knowledge.
Appendix 1 - European Parliament and Council Directive 2001/81/EC of 23 October 2001 on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants.
Appendix 2 - Monitoring and reporting of emissions into the air (article 5).
Appendix 3 - Adjustment of national emission declarations (article 6).
This Order sets guidelines for the Environmental Protection Agency to administer all Danish emission inventories and projections (disaggregated national emission inventories, inventories for large point sources and informative inventory reports). These results shall be submitted to the Commission and the European Environment Agency in accordance with reporting criteria in Appendix 2. The reports shall be consistent with reporting to the LRTAP Convention Secretariat and the Agency shall prepare a
Order No. 138 on emission limits for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and ammonia.
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