This Order, consisting of 29 articles, establishes to Strengthening the Forest Management, Protection and the Coordination of management Forest and Forestry Business. It aims to implement Forest Strategy to the year 2020, particularly to increase the forest cover up to 70% of total country land; to restrict the reliance of logging of natural forests for revenue generation and to move toward closing, in principle, natural forests in conceivable future with the aim to preserving the richness of forest resources and biodiversity. To effectively implement laws and other legislations regarding forestry without further issuing more orders on annual basis regarding the management of forest and forestry business. To enable Ministries, government Organizations as well as local Authorities at various levels to strengthen the lead in exercising their mandate, rights and duties regarding the management of forest and forestry business in a more effective and efficient manner, preventing and stopping violations of related laws and legislations.
This Order, consisting of 29 articles, establishes to Strengthening the Forest Management, Protection and the Coordination of management Forest and Forestry Business. It aims to implement Forest Strategy to the year 2020, particularly to increase the forest cover up to 70% of total country land; to restrict the reliance of logging of natural forests for revenue generation and to move toward closing, in principle, natural forests in conceivable future with the aim to preserving the richness of fo
This Order replaces the Prime Minister Order No. 09/PM of 2 May 2008.
Order No. 17/PM on Strengthening the Forest Management, Protection and Coordination of Forest Management and Forestry Business.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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