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The Order amends certain parts of Order No. 199 with regard to the Danish AgriFish Agency's role in granting financial subsidy after having assessed applicants particulars, as well as having certified that dumentation of projects under agreement in accordance to EU regulations, are kept and accessible until 31 December 2021. Project reports must be submitted latest 1 August 2015.
The Order amends certain parts of Order No. 199 with regard to the Danish AgriFish Agency's role in granting financial subsidy after having assessed applicants particulars, as well as having certified that dumentation of projects under agreement in accordance to EU regulations, are kept and accessible until 31 December 2021. Project reports must be submitted latest 1 August 2015.
Order No. 199 amending the Order on subsidy for innovative projects for the processing and marketing of fish, fishery and aquaculture products.
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