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This Order establishes the instructions of the Minister of Industry and Commerce aiming to guarantee unity and serve as reference for the auction of the government s seized timbers nationwide, as follows: 1. Provincial and Vientiane Capital Director of Industry and Commerce shall cooperate with related sectors and seized timbers auction committee to evaluate condition and quality of timbers. 2. The auction of the government s seized timber shall be advertised widely nationwide through medias such as television, radio, online media or newspaper. 3. Requirements for bidders and auction s procedures shall be implemented according to the Purchase-Sale Regulations of Timbers No. 1726/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 23 August 2012. 4. Price used in the auction consists of 3 methods for provincial and Vientiane Capital office to follow: Method 1: establishing that the base price for bidding is based on the notification on timber price 2014/2015-2015/2016 that Ministry of Industry and Commerce issued in a regulation No.1813/IC.DIMEX, dated 04 September 2015. In case it is inapplicable, proceed on Method 2: Use value arising from real quality to multiple with bidding price 2014/2015-2015/2016; or Method 3: Sell at the highest price that bidders proposed at the auction.
This Order establishes the instructions of the Minister of Industry and Commerce aiming to guarantee unity and serve as reference for the auction of the government’s seized timbers nationwide, as follows: 1. Provincial and Vientiane Capital Director of Industry and Commerce shall cooperate with related sectors and seized timbers auction committee to evaluate condition and quality of timbers. 2. The auction of the government’s seized timber shall be advertised widely nationwide through medias suc
Pursuant to the Notification of the Prime Minister s Office No. 1345/GO.DS, dated 09 September 2016; Pursuant to the Purchase-Sale Regulation of Timbers No 1726/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 23 August 2012.
Order No. 2071/MOIC.DIMEX on the auction of the government s seized timbers nationwide.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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