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Purpose of this Order is to establish rules on the keeping and breeding of animals as part of a commercial trade in animals from or off-premises. It includes guidelines on space arrangement, receipt of unhealthy livestock, and acceptable treatment of animals kept in captivity (feeding, hygiene, resting, climate/temperature of internal and external captivity areas, consideration of dangerous/aggressive animals etc.). It does NOT apply to the keeping of dogs, trade of equidae, trade and keeping animals for farming purposes. Animal facilities terminology in this document defines any area as aquariums, terrariums, cages, fences and the like designed for livestock.
The Order consists of 6 Chapters and 1 Appendix: Scope and definitions (1); Application and arrangement of space/area (2); Keeping and breeding animals (3); Staff (4); Penalty (5); Entry into force (6).
Appendix 1 - Species prohibited by article 8 (dangerous species, causing fear or difficult to keep in an animal welfare-friendly manner).
Purpose of this Order is to establish rules on the keeping and breeding of animals as part of a commercial trade in animals from or off-premises. It includes guidelines on space arrangement, receipt of unhealthy livestock, and acceptable treatment of animals kept in captivity (feeding, hygiene, resting, climate/temperature of internal and external captivity areas, consideration of dangerous/aggressive animals etc.). It does NOT apply to the keeping of dogs, trade of equidae, trade and keeping an
Order No. 210 on commercial trade of livestock.
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