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The Danish AgriFish Agency may grant financial support for projects involving investments for the establishment, expansion and modernization of aquaculture installations. As a minimum, the requirements for installations shall be equivalent to a feed consumption of 230 tons. Documentation of subsidy shall be accessible for administrative purposes until 31 December 2021. Applicants shall seek for an environmental certification for their subsidized project. The application for environmental authorization must include a statement of how the applicant will comply with emission standards as described in Appendix 2 of the EU-Directive on environmental approval and simultaneous processing of freshwater fish farms.
The Order consists of 13 Chapters; Contents (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Eligible projects (4); Conditions for subsidy (5); Eligible project costs (6); Calculation of subsidy (7); Changing the project and the onset of the agreement (8); Subsidies (9); Duty of notification (10); Loss and recovery of subsidy (11); Force majeure (12); Appeals (13).
The Danish AgriFish Agency may grant financial support for projects involving investments for the establishment, expansion and modernization of aquaculture installations. As a minimum, the requirements for installations shall be equivalent to a feed consumption of 230 tons. Documentation of subsidy shall be accessible for administrative purposes until 31 December 2021. Applicants shall seek for an environmental certification for their subsidized project. The application for environmental authori
Order no. 242 amending Order on subsidy for the establishment and modernization of aquaculture.
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