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The purpose of this Order is to grant financial support to farmers for their investment in processes and technologies in agriculture production. Its aim is to reduce environmental and climate pollution through: the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases and ammonia from livestock and manure; reduction of pesticide use; reduction in loss of nutrients during feeding, digestion in manure application; reduction of energy, water, nutrients or pesticides in horticulture; establishment of environmentally friendly production to reduce emissions from meat sector (pork and beef). For each of these actions, the Danish AgriFish Agency regulates this Order and updates a list of proven effective technologies applied (accessible online). Appendix 1 lists the calculated time rate applied to farmer s agricultural activities necessary to apply for the subsidy requirement. Criteria for obtaining subsidies is based on public authority approval of procedures and completion date of projects aiming to the reduction of pesticide use, retention of nutrients from the soil, scraping systems for the cleaning of floors in livestock air purification/ventilation systems. The criteria for grant of subsidy extends to projects or parts thereof covered by EU procurement rules treaty and with an eligibility of max. DKK 300 000. Chapter 11 sets regulations regarding decisions made by the Danish AfriFish Agency, which may be appealed to the Ministry of Food Complaint Center.
The Order consists of 12 Chapters and 1 Appendix: Objective and content (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Criteria for the grant of subsidy (4); Eligible projects (5); Calculation of subsidy (6); Amendments of the project and entry into agreement (7); Disboursement of subsidy (8); Duty to notify (9); Cancellation of agreements and repayment of subsidy (10); Appeals (11); Entry into force (12).
Appendix 1 - Standard hourly rates.
The purpose of this Order is to grant financial support to farmers for their investment in processes and technologies in agriculture production. Its aim is to reduce environmental and climate pollution through: the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases and ammonia from livestock and manure; reduction of pesticide use; reduction in loss of nutrients during feeding, digestion in manure application; reduction of energy, water, nutrients or pesticides in horticulture; establishment of environme
Order No. 250 on investment subsidies for new green processes and technologies in agricultural production.
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