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This Order sets regulations with regard to the inspection activities of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA). DVFA shall in addition to current duties supervise milk supply inspection in adherence to provisions of EU Agricultural Policies. DVFA shall conduct additional inspection, if inspection result in the infringement of the Act, consequently producing injunctions, prohibitions, penalty notices etc. Extra inspection shall be undertaken by the Danish AgriFish Agency in adherence to cross-compliance requirements with regard to farming subsidies. The Agency also undertakes additional inspections on label control to ensure the implementation of penalties in cases of violations related to labelling, registration and transport of animals.
This Order sets regulations with regard to the inspection activities of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA). DVFA shall – in addition to current duties – supervise milk supply inspection in adherence to provisions of EU Agricultural Policies. DVFA shall conduct additional inspection, if inspection result in the infringement of the Act, consequently producing injunctions, prohibitions, penalty notices etc. Extra inspection shall be undertaken by the Danish AgriFish Agency in adhe
Order No. 31 on Veterinarian inspection.
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