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This Order shall set regulations on the designation of refuge and emergency areas in Danish sea waters. The purpose of this Order is to ensure that ships in need of assistance can use these areas in order to eliminate risks of pollution in the marine environment, as well as for navigation safety.
The Order consists of 5 Chapters and 3 Annexes: Scope and definitions (1); Areas of refuge (2); Collateral (3); Emergency Management Plans (4); Entry into force (5).
Annex 1 - Areas designated as refuge in Danish waters.
Annex 2 - Paradigm for emergency management plannings.
Annex 3 - Decisions Diagram.
This Order shall set regulations on the designation of refuge and emergency areas in Danish sea waters. The purpose of this Order is to ensure that ships in need of assistance can use these areas in order to eliminate risks of pollution in the marine environment, as well as for navigation safety.
Repealing Order No. 180 of 9 March 2009.
Order No. 33 on planning for emergency areas.
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