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The Danish AgriFish Agency shall, in 2015, grant subsidies for municipal projects on river restoration to improve flora and fauna habitats in streams. Prior to the application periods, the Agency may publish the indicative financial framework thereof and for each type of project. Projects eligible for subsidy shall be: 1) studies; 2) projects on the implementation of river restoration. The Agency shall be responsible for the administrative supervision of projects receiving such grants and applications for grants can be submitted from 13 April to 5 May 2015 and from 3 August to 1 September 2015. Eligible expenses for feasibility studies may include administrative costs of personnel, consultation, information and meetings, VAT, costs for research and development, purchase of equipment and materials. Subsidy may consists of 100% of costs.
The Act consists of 15 Chapters: Content (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Eligible projects (4); Priorities and decision (5); Conditions for the award of grants (6); Eligible project costs (7); Changing the project and its onset (8); Calculation of grants (9); Payment of grants (10); Information (11); Loss and recovery of aid (12); Force majeure (13); Appeals (14); Entry into force (15).
The Danish AgriFish Agency shall, in 2015, grant subsidies for municipal projects on river restoration to improve flora and fauna habitats in streams. Prior to the application periods, the Agency may publish the indicative financial framework thereof and for each type of project. Projects eligible for subsidy shall be: 1) studies; 2) projects on the implementation of river restoration. The Agency shall be responsible for the administrative supervision of projects receiving such grants and applic
Order No. 364 on grants for municipal projects on river restoration.
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