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This Order sets rules concerning the Danish Nature Agency's assessment, prioritization and decisions when granting subsidies to municipal river restoration projects in period. The purpose of municipal projects for river restoration aim to improve conditions of streams that contribute to the recovery of spawning grounds and passages for migrating fish; also, to improve conditions for aquatic flora and fauna and to ensure a good environmentally-friendly status in watercourses. Criteria for being awarded subsidy include projects to be implemented in period 2009-2015 and concretely aiming at improving environment goals without causing damages to the habitat. Additionally, the projects shall apply to watercourses covered by national planning for endangered species, or watercourses included in the Natura2000 areas.
Appendix 1 - Indicative benchmarks for river restoration activities.
This Order sets rules concerning the Danish Nature Agency's assessment, prioritization and decisions when granting subsidies to municipal river restoration projects in period. The purpose of municipal projects for river restoration aim to improve conditions of streams that contribute to the recovery of spawning grounds and passages for migrating fish; also, to improve conditions for aquatic flora and fauna and to ensure a good environmentally-friendly status in watercourses. Criteria for being a
Order No. 370 on criteria assessment for municipal projects on river restoration.
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