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This Order sets regulations on the volounter labelling of food with the Key-hole symbol, which application emphasizes a better food choice with regard to fat, sugars, salt and dietary fiber contents in food. Sweeteners (food additives) and novel foods or novel food ingredients, containing equivalent sweetening properties may not be used in keyhole-labeled food. Oil and other fat utilized in keyhole-labeled food must not contain more than 2g of industrially produced trans fatty acids for each 100g of oil and/or fat. Certified eateries receive an inspection on annual basis and to determine whether they meet all conditions for the appliation of the label. These eateries pay an annual afee to the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to cover all costs associated with the operation and control of the Keyhole label use.
The Order consists of 9 Chapters and 10 Appendices: Scope (1); Keyhole label (2); Definitions (3); General conditions for use of Keyhole label (4); Application to pre-packaged food (5); Application to non-prepacked food (6); Application to eateries (7); Application to recipes (8); Penalty and entry into force (9).
Appendix 1 - Keyhole label graphics.
Appendix 2 - Food labeled with Keyhole label.
Appendix 3 - Bread and cold cuts in self-service or buffet.
Appendix 4 - Salad from self-service or buffet.
Annex 5 - Breakfast.
Appendix 6 - Marketing of Keyhole label in eateries.
Appendix 7 - Competencies for Keyhole labels.
Appendix 8 - Concept controlled eateries.
Appendix 9 - Payment to the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) by certified eateries.
Appendix 10 - Requirements for a keyhole symbol recipe.
This Order sets regulations on the volounter labelling of food with the Key-hole symbol, which application emphasizes a better food choice with regard to fat, sugars, salt and dietary fiber contents in food. Sweeteners (food additives) and novel foods or novel food ingredients, containing equivalent sweetening properties may not be used in keyhole-labeled food. Oil and other fat utilized in keyhole-labeled food must not contain more than 2g of industrially produced trans fatty acids for each 100
Order No. 38 on the use and application of the use of Key-Hole labeling.
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