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The Order applies to food additives in food classified as supplements. These include vitamins, minerals and aromas, and applies only where there is a specific provision for food with special nutritive purpose, genetically modified food, novel food. Substances which are requested to be added to food under conditions other than those listed in the Appendix 1 shall be used six months after the addition was reported to the Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. These provisions shall also apply to amino acids (not included in Appendix 1) however meeting the requirements for identity and purity set in specifications of Appendix 2.
The Order consists of 4 Chapters and 3 Appendices: Scope and definition (1); Terms of applications (2); Penalties (3); Entry into force (4).
Appendix 1 - Substances other than vitamins and minerals which are authorized in food products, including dietary supplements.
Appendix 2 - Specifications for identity, purity and analytical methods.
Appendix 3 - Information required for review and filing for approval.
The Order applies to food additives in food classified as supplements. These include vitamins, minerals and aromas, and applies only where there is a specific provision for food with special nutritive purpose, genetically modified food, novel food. Substances which are requested to be added to food under conditions other than those listed in the Appendix 1 shall be used six months after the addition was reported to the Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. These provisions shall also app
Food which was prepared before 16 August 2011 in adherence to articles 14-16 of Appendix 3 (Order No. 93 of 4 February 2011) shall be traded until exhausted stocks.
Order No. 561 on the addition to food of certain substances other than vitamins and minerals.
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