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This Order applies to the water planning for 2010-2015 which covers rivers and lakes, and which has as its purpose the adherence to environmental targets related to water-course planning. Water buffers established before 1 September 2012 along rivers and lakes in areas mentioned in the Act of Water courses listed under article 69 (sect. 1) and which are utilized for soil cultivation, planting, terrain modification and placement of fences, may continue to be harvested.
This Order applies to the water planning for 2010-2015 which covers rivers and lakes, and which has as its purpose the adherence to environmental targets related to water-course planning. Water buffers established before 1 September 2012 along rivers and lakes in areas mentioned in the Act of Water courses listed under article 69 (sect. 1) and which are utilized for soil cultivation, planting, terrain modification and placement of fences, may continue to be harvested.
Order No. 765 on transitional planning arrangements for buffer water-courses along some rivers and lakes for the 2010-2015 period.
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