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This Order, consisting of 9 articles and two Annexes, establishes the prohibited keeping of specific species. It specifies the provisions prohibiting the holding of living species included in the list of Annex I and the resulting hybrids. It does not apply to: a) scientific institutions, where such keeping is authorized by the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry, I.P. (ICNF); b) Zoological parks, when keeping is preceded by a positive opinion of the ICNF; c) Entities duly authorized for the exercise of livestock activity, when keeping is authorized by the ICNF exclusively for captive breeding for animal production purposes; d) Entities pursuing nature conservation projects involving captive breeding, where such detention is authorized by the ICNF; e) Recovery centers and poles receiving species collected or seized provided that they are authorized by the ICNF to hold living species of prohibited keeping; f) Entities duly authorized by the ICNF, which hold living species, as well as related hybrids.
This Order, consisting of 9 articles and two Annexes, establishes the prohibited keeping of specific species. It specifies the provisions prohibiting the holding of living species included in the list of Annex I and the resulting hybrids. It does not apply to: a) scientific institutions, where such keeping is authorized by the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry, I.P. (ICNF); b) Zoological parks, when keeping is preceded by a positive opinion of the ICNF; c) Entities duly authorized f
This Order repeals Order No. 1226/2009 of 12 October and Order No. 60/2012 of 19 March.
Order No. 86/2018 establishing the prohibited keeping of specific species, pursuant to Decree-Law No. 121/2017.
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