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This Order applies to commercial entities which are required by law to register their activities in the Registry for Fertilizers when trading nitrogenous fertilizers, biogas plants and common plants. The purpose of these provisions, is to ensure that safe fertilizers and manure respect nitrogen standards which may be toxic or dangerous for the environment. The Order is regulated by the Ministry of Environment and Food, under the Danish AgriFish Agency.
This Order consists of 13 Chapters and 3 Appendices: Scope and definitions (1); Registration (2); Nitrogen norms (3); Nitrogen quota (4); Manure planning and fertilizer (5); Manure (6); Digested biomass (7); Calculation of consumption of nitrogen (8); Statement of stock of nitrogen (9); Assignment (10); Newly registered companies (11); Other provisions (12); Administration, supervision, publication, penalties and entry into force (13).
Appendix 1 - Nitrogen standards.
Appendix 2 - Pets standards.
Appendix 3 - Appendix overview.
This Order applies to commercial entities which are required by law to register their activities in the Registry for Fertilizers when trading nitrogenous fertilizers, biogas plants and common plants. The purpose of these provisions, is to ensure that safe fertilizers and manure respect nitrogen standards which may be toxic or dangerous for the environment. The Order is regulated by the Ministry of Environment and Food, under the Danish AgriFish Agency.
Order No. 929 on agricultural use of fertilizer in the planning period 2015/2016.
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