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The present Ordinance implements the Agriculture Law of the Canton Aargau of 13 December 2011. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the composition and working of the Aargau Agricultural Loan Fund. The text consists of 9 articles as follows: Location (1); Tasks (2); Organization (3); Financed by own resources (4); Application (5); Investment (6); Supervision (7); Dissolution (8); Entry into force (9).
The present Ordinance implements the Agriculture Law of the Canton Aargau of 1 December 2011. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the composition and working of the Aargau Agricultural Loan Fund. The text consists of 9 articles as follows: Location (1); Tasks (2); Organization (3); Financed by own resources (4); Application (5); Investment (6); Inspection (7); Dissolution (8); Entry into force (9).
The Ordinance is consolidated as of 1 May 2019.
Ordinance on the Aargau Agricultural Loan Fund (Aargau Agricultural Loan Fund Ordinance)(911.351).
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