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This Government Ordinance lays down some amendments and addenda to Ordinance establishing sanitary requirements for direct sale and delivery of small quantities of primary products of plant and animal origin, and delivery of milk and milk products to the final consumer and other retail establishments. In particular supplemented art. 7a specifies requirements for delivery of small quantities of processed products of plant origin to the final consumer or local retail establishment.
This Government Ordinance lays down some amendments and addenda to Ordinance establishing sanitary requirements for direct sale and delivery of small quantities of primary products of plant and animal origin, and delivery of milk and milk products to the final consumer and other retail establishments. In particular supplemented art. 7a specifies requirements for delivery of small quantities of processed products of plant origin to the final consumer or local retail establishment.
Ordinance amending Ordinance establishing sanitary requirements for direct sale and delivery of small quantities of primary products of plant and animal origin, and delivery of milk and milk products to the final consumer and other retail establishments.
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