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The present Ordinance introduces some minor amendments to the Ordinance on the protection of native hedgehog of 14 July 1992. In particular, the Ordinance amends article 5 establishing that violations against articles 1 to 3 shall be punished under article 50 of the Act on protection of nature and landscape conservation of 23 May 1996. The text consists of 2 articles.
The present Ordinance introduces some minor amendments to the Ordinance on the protection of native hedgehog of 14 July 1992. In particular, the Ordinance amends article 5 establishing that violations against articles 1 to 3 shall be punished under article 50 of the Act on protection of nature and landscape conservation of 23 May 1996. The text consists of 2 articles.
Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the protection of native hedgehog.
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