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This Government Ordinance, which is composed of three articles, regulates provisions concerning prevention and control of groundwater pollution. Assessment of the chemical status of groundwater bodies or groups of bodies of groundwater is performed by comparing the calculated annual average values ??of the measured data for each monitoring site with quality standards and threshold values??. The chemical status of groundwater is considered good if monitoring results confirm the requirements for good chemical status, or groundwater quality standards and threshold values are not exceeded at any monitoring points in groundwater.
This Government Ordinance, which is composed of three articles, regulates provisions concerning prevention and control of groundwater pollution. Assessment of the chemical status of groundwater bodies or groups of bodies of groundwater is performed by comparing the calculated annual average values ??of the measured data for each monitoring site with quality standards and threshold values??. The chemical status of groundwater is considered good if monitoring results confirm the requirements for g
Ordinance on the assessment of the chemical status of groundwater bodies.
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